Immediate In Person and Virtual Therapy Appointments For Young Adults and Adults Available. Call Today!

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Dr. Brett Greenberger


Dr. Brett Greenberger is a Board Certified Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist who specializes in the treatment of childhood disorders such as anxiety, depression, mood disorders, ADD/ADHD and learning difficulties and other childhood disorders. He enjoys working with children and adolescents and strives to improve his patient’s mental health by utilizing a variety of techniques such as psychopharmacology/ medication management, supportive counseling, psycho-education and family support. When working with clients, Dr. Greenberger looks at the whole child, taking into account their environment and drawing on their personal strengths and familial and community supports to enhance mental health wellness and promote positive change. Dr. Greenberger regularly collaborates with other CCC clinicians and community providers to optimize client success and foster family participation. He is also available for psychiatric evaluations and consultations with pediatricians and other providers, as well as second opinions. Dr. Greenberger is on the cutting edge of his field, offering his patients Pharmagenomic Testing to individually tailor medication interventions to meet the personal needs of his patients.

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